Sunday, August 23, 2009


The Main is like the Crossroads Cafe, a last stop before the void at the end of the universe, but for cats.

We are here to share about ourselves, the very substance that makes our universe expand which is our own hopes in time.

Beyond us is the great wide nothing, so instead of falling into despair, lets make of it, something - together.

To every dream, a dreamer and to every dreamer, his dreaming.

Most dreams come in gray scale tones, why?

Because, if we like what we see, we need to carefully work on them during our waking hours to give our dreams their color and bring them into our life.

The colors of our dreams are the colors of our hopes and here at the Main, we shall deal only with these colors.

Every week, we shall pick a particular topic that is related to our hope and we shall write about them and share our own personal colors with other cats on the Main.

Because the more the colors, the better the picture.

Our common theme here at the Main are not about our problems but all about our hopes - any kind of hope at all.

Therefore, every weekly topic is a one word subject that must be related to the last topic because it is something that is really worth having, trying or knowing about.

We shall begin this week with - Food. And we shall vote for the next topic weekly afterwards. And then we shall develop our conversations from here. So here goes!

I love sushi!

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